Sunday 12 December 2010

Production Work

Chick Flick themed film

A new girl, coming from a state school, enrolls into a private school because her previous school asked her to leave, due to reasons we would find out if the film proceeded over more than 2 minutes. Her name is Cally and she does not fit into this Independant Day school for Girls, St Mary's. The first three minutes of this film will show Cally entering the school and it will symbolise the difference of her compared to the snooty girls at the school and will show how she is different because she has moved from a state school. It will show the stereotypical differences and will introduce Cally as the main character, the head mistress and girls from St Mary's School.We will be using  the front our school premises, this would be appropriate because our school is a private school for girls. We will use a range of close ups which fits the usual conventions of a chick flick film and the music and editing will be well suited.

Music piece for my production work

This song by All American Rejects fits brilliantly with the chick flick theme of my production and follows the
usual genre of song type for chick flick films. It has been used in Mean Girls and John Tucker Must Die for example