Friday 11 February 2011

Update on Filming Progress

Our set date for main filming is Wednesday 16th! We have prepared well in the last two weeks and have overcome the problem of filming on our bumpy set which is gravel. We are now using a trolly to roll on the pavement so it will be a smooth film, and when we need to film on gravel, the tripod will come into use well whilst on top of the trolly. We have finally casted our production and we will be using a numerous number of girls, as our film is about an all-girls school! A dark blue ferrari was parked outside of school this week, and we thought this would be a brilliant opportunity to get some shots of it for our film, to represent the social class of the girls at the school in our production, to over exaggerate the stereotypical views of private school students. We have run through some practice shots with our main actress playing Cally, and so far it has been an overall success. One problem however, the teacher who was casted to play the Headmistress in our film does not come in on Wednesdays so we may have to re-cast her role. We are hoping for a successful day on Wednesday and hope it runs smoothy.
This our set and where we will be filming on Wednesday. However it won't look this summery unfortunatley due to the cold weather!

1 comment:

  1. Great plan, and I hope the weather changes for you! The Year 8s were absolutely thrilled at the chance of being extras in a film.
